Monday, March 15, 2010

I Promise!

Hey Ya'll, so this is the text version of my original blog, in case you need to copy and paste the text, search for the text, etc. I prefer the fancy one, but if you like this one, feel free to read it instead!

So I know I've been neglecting this here blog. BUT, the blog and I have had a long discussion. Things were thrown, feelings were hurt, but we came to an agreement. I promise to update this blog EVERY DAY. Excessive you say? Nay. No way. But why everyday you ask? Well, I have a new goal. Lately I have been trying to watch a random movie every day. I have decided that, after telling you about my AWESOME days in each post, I will also write a tiny review of my movie o' the day at the end. Hopefully you will enjoy this, and hopefully I can stay motivated to keep updating! Blog ya tomorrow. - Taylor

RMOD (Random Movie of the Day)
"Chances Are" -PG 1989
My first random movie of the day post! So I'm a total fan of Robert Downey, Jr. and I wanted to see him in a movie when he was younger. "Chances Are" was made in 1989 and totally reeks of 80s movie (aren't those fun.) The movie is about Louie, who gets hit by a car after
finding out he and his wife are pregnant. He is reborn as Alex Finch (Downey). He is fine until he starts dating Miranda - the daughter of Louie's widow, Corinne. Louie's memories are unleashed and everything goes haywire. It lives up to its Romantic Comedy genre, having some very absurd situations and sweet moments. The acting is good (especially by Downey :D) and I found the plot idea quite interesting! My only beef was the ending, which was way too... weird! (curious? go watch it!) If you enjoy A. Comedies, B. Romance, and C. Robert Downey, Jr. you will like "Chances Are" :)

If you would like to see a real version of this post, check out my original version at

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