Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Choo Choo!

Choo Choo!
I had my first "real" day at work today! For those of you who don't know, I work at Utah's Hogle Zoo. Today I trained as a gate cashier, but at th
e end of the day my boss notified me that a position was opened as the train conductor. So, naturally, I switched! So now I get to wear super cool pinstriped overalls and drive the Zoofari Express! Yup, it's awesome. You should all stop by and visit :) Tomorrow I get to take my first drug test, isn't that exciting!?! :D

RMOD (Random Movie of the Day)
"Better Off Dead" - PG 1985
Synopsis: Lane (John Cusack) is obsessed with his girlfriend Beth and is crushed when she falls for the new captain of the ski team, Roy. After several failed suicide attempts, narrow escapes from the relentless paper boy, and nearly unbearable dinners at home with his crazy family,
Lane finds a new love in French exchange student Monique Junot. Meanwhile, he must beat Roy on the slopes to regain his honor.
My Thoughts: Oh man, this movie is a piece of work.
This has got to have some of the most random and incredibly hilarious scenes I've ever seen. From a hamburger singing Van Halen to a scary gang of paperboys. All the best comedy in this movie is pure situational, very little of it is from dialogue. It's brilliant! I bet this movie was a blast to film! If you haven't seen it, do so immediately. It's definitely worth it!
Best part of the movie: Creepy paperboy wants his two dollars. Cash.

If you would like to see a real version of this post, check out my original version at

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