Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I Passed!

Yes! I passed my drug test. (you surprised?) The drug test man didn't like me much, he wanted to go ride in his friends porsche, unfortunately for him i was there (hehehe sucker). Anyway, so after I passed, I celebrated by buying my conductor overalls. They're a beauty. Funnily enough I had bought a conductor hat about a year ago from the DI. Fate? I think so. :) Took Oula to her dog training class tonight, she is by far the smartest of the bunch. I'm just so darn proud! *sniff* Happy St Patties day ya'll!Add Image

(I look way cuter in my overalls than this bear)


RMOD (Random Movie of the Day)

The Shawshank Redemption - R 1994

SYNOPSIS: Okay, if you don't know what the Shawshank Redemption is about you need to get out of that hole you've been living in. Then again, I just barely got around to seeing it, so... nevermind. :) Basically two imprisoned men bond over a number of years, finding solace and eventual redemption through acts of common decency.

WHAT I THOUGHT: So I'm terribly upset I hadn't seen this piece of juicy movie goodness until now. And I call myself a movie fanatic? Well I'm so very happy I've seen it now. It's just brilliant, all away around. As I'm sure most of you know! If you haven't seen it, seriously, what's up with that? Go see it! Now. Go!

Best part of the movie: Cutest old man Brooks. He was my fave. " Easy peasy Japanesey!" I'm definitely going to start saying that from now on.

If you would like to see a real version of this post, check out my original version at

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